Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Amy's Gallery of Fine Art

I love art! I have pretty much loved art my whole life. I attribute a lot of that love to my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Busco, who had a passion for it and encouraged her students to get creative. I studied art all through high school, both doing it and learning about it. My goal was to get into the art program at BYU. When I didn't make it into the program, I was devastated but I decided that I still loved art and I continued to take art classes as electives, while I studied English Literature.
With the art classes I took during my English studies, I learned that I love the fluidity and freedom of water color, that oil painting is really hard (Go Myra!!!), and that calligraphy is an amazing form of art. Although I might not have majored in the visual arts, I learned a lot about my personal style and I sharpened my skills in something I really enjoy.
You may view my current works on my sister's kitchen wall, in mother's hallway, in the box under my bed, and one other work, which I have recently added to my gallery....Rainbow Bright's horse! I sure hope you remember who Rainbow Bright is!
When my friend asked me to paint a mural on her daughter's bedroom wall, I was very hesitant,...but up for the challenge!!! Ok, so it wasn't anything really complicated, but her daughter had been having nightmares and didn't want to sleep in her own room, so my friend thought if she spiced up the bedroom a bit, her daughter would want to be in there. Amy to the rescue!!
So I painted Rainbow Bright's horse on the wall.... it was a long grueling process, but thank heaven I didn't have to lie on my back for months while I painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling or anything.
I'm happy with how the whole thing turned out... I mean, it's not Michelangelo, but I think little Kylee liked it anyway.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Adventures of the Not so Newly Weds

So you would think that life would slow down a bit as you get older (because I'm so old!! ha ha) but I have discovered how wrong that is! People have asked me what Joe and I are up to these days and I have to stop and think of what to tell them first!!
Joe is doing really well at work. He works for an accounting firm here in Vegas and he is the "Assistant MIS Director" (computers). He has been working toward getting his computer certifications and recently completed his MCSA. With his new found skills, he also recently finished putting together a computer system for his brother's accounting firm. Smarty Pants!!! He really knows a lot about computers, which blows me away because I do email...and blogs. I have decided that computers don't really like me much but all Joe has to do is look at them and they will do exactly what he wants them to do. It's a gift.
I have been enjoying my job as well. I am the administrative assistant at an investment firm here in Vegas. My job includes everything from assisting with trades to installing Quickbooks, to taking care of the bosses dog while she is out of town. Anyone who knows me will know that this is the perfect thing for me because I like doing diverse things. ADD perhaps??
Joe and I recently made a trip to the Grand Canyon. It was Joe's first time there and it was sooo beautiful!!! We decided to make it a day trip so we got up early and drove the 4 hours out to the south rim and hiked for a while. The Grand Canyon amazes me every time I see it because it doesn't look real. It's so amazing!!
Joe is still discovering the beauties of the West. I guess Florida is pretty flat and doesn't have much elevation change...so the mountains really amaze him. We are planning on going to Florida in August so he can show me the beauties of the BEACH!!! I'm quite sure I will be miserable...
Our most recent excitement is the purchase of our very own house!!! We have been spending the last few days scrubbing baseboards, stretching carpet, mopping, etc. I don't think we ever thought we'd be able to afford a house here in Vegas because they were so expensive, but the recession worked out for us because it gave us this opportunity. We feel so blessed!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Beginning at the End
Ok, I really don't know where to start so we'll just start at the beginning of the end...Once upon a time, there was a girl with long red hair who lived in a land called Happy Valley. She was a very happy girl, I mean, who wouldn't be happy in a place called happy valley. For the most part this girl loved her home, but she kept having a feelig that she needed to go explore the world outside of her little bubble. So one day, she packed up her belongings, said good bye to her family and her cat Lucy and traveled to a land far far away. After traveling for a long time, she stumbled upon a city which was very opposite from Happy Valley. Infact, some people have been known to call this land Sin City or The Muddy (refering to its complete lack of vegetation, of coarse). This girl felt very out of place in Sin City, but she decided to stay so she could experience different things and so she could learn more about the corporate world. Well, sadly, the girl found that the corporate world was a harsh one. People didn't care about eachother like they did in Happy Valley. It was very hard for her to stay in The Muddy and she missed her family and her cat Lucy.
As time passed, the girl lost her job, found another one, got laid off from that job, and ended up finding another one that was even better than the first. She traded her long beautiful red locks for a more stylish look (short and dark). She bought her first car, then was in her first car accident ever, she broke her foot, and she learned to deal with living in a city of scortching conditions and without plants. Life was tricky, but the girl learned to make the best of it because she had great friends who had also traveled with her to Sin City.
Meanwhile, there was a boy who lived in the beautiful city of Orlando Florida. To this day it will never quite be understood why he wanted to leave this oasis of a place, except that he had a feeling, like the girl, that he needed to abandon his comfort zone, and start a new life. He traveled and he traveled and he traveled and finally he ended up in The Muddy. It was very different from Florida, with its dry heat and its lack of water, but the boy liked it. It was a change of scenery. He too found a job and began an exciting new life in the muddy.
One day the boy and his sister, who had traveled with him, went to explore more of the city, when they came upon a group of young people, like themselves, who were having a picnick and playing in the sun. "Come join us!" the group shouted to the boy and his sister.... and so they did.
And that was when the girl met the boy. It was his dark hair and his dark eyes that caught her attention first. But he had a great smile too. She was giddy and out going and he liked frizbee and so they got to know eachother a little better that day... and have been friends ever since.
The boy and the girl had many adventures. They went through a lot together as they battled life in a city like "The Muddy", but they were there for eachother through the thick and the thin and they became very close.
The girl started to realize the reason she needed to leave her home in happy valley. She needed to go through the experiences she did, and she needed the boy in her life. He realized the same and they decided that life wouldn't be very meaningful if they couldn't help eachother through it....so they decided to make it permanent. The beginning of a whole new adventure together and the end of a chapter of their lives that had only been the precurser to the rest of eternity.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It's About Time,... it's all about time
Okay, so I had to take a year sabatical,....it all started when I lost my job... but I'll save you all the gory details....my life has changed quite a bit since then....this is my official entry to announce to the world that Amy is back with a vengence!!!! and this time she is the new and improved, Amy Bainbridge....Stevens is my middle middle name now. So I'll have to tell you all about it. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of "Life With Amy...What Happened Inbetween???"
*Sorry too many dot dot dots! I'm done
*Sorry too many dot dot dots! I'm done
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Useless Trivia About Me
Jobs I've Had:
1. BYU Catering
2. Law School Library
3. Convergys (American Express customer service) yuck!!
4. Mega Diamond - Wahooo!! After all a diamond is a girls best friend, especially when it's in your nose.... huh Megan???
5. Law Firm secretary
6. Bank secretary
Movies I could watch over and over:
1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
2. Pride and Prejudice (Most chick flicks)
3. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Oh, that was a hard one to admit)
4. oh, I don't know, there are a bunch i wouldn't mind seeing again - Bat Man Begins, The Bourne series, etc.
Places I've been:
1. Canada
2. Italy
3. Chicago
4. Switzerland
5. England
6. France
Places I've lived
1. Canada
2. Provo, Utah
3. Florence, Italy
4. Las Vegas
Shows I enjoy:
1. 24
2. The Office
3. Myth busters (ha ha ha yeah, Geek!!)
Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate Cake!!!
2. Sweet and Sour Ribs
3. California Rolls
4. crackers
Websites I visit regularly:
1. lds.org
2. yahoomusic.com
3. hotmail.com
4. facebook.com
5. bankofamerica.com
Body parts I've injured:
1. I broke my Finger
2. I broke my foot
3. ...I think I broke my brain...but it's better now, don't worry
1. Amy Pie
2. Ames
3. Aim
4. Sorella
1. BYU Catering
2. Law School Library
3. Convergys (American Express customer service) yuck!!
4. Mega Diamond - Wahooo!! After all a diamond is a girls best friend, especially when it's in your nose.... huh Megan???
5. Law Firm secretary
6. Bank secretary
Movies I could watch over and over:
1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
2. Pride and Prejudice (Most chick flicks)
3. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Oh, that was a hard one to admit)
4. oh, I don't know, there are a bunch i wouldn't mind seeing again - Bat Man Begins, The Bourne series, etc.
Places I've been:
1. Canada
2. Italy
3. Chicago
4. Switzerland
5. England
6. France
Places I've lived
1. Canada
2. Provo, Utah
3. Florence, Italy
4. Las Vegas
Shows I enjoy:
1. 24
2. The Office
3. Myth busters (ha ha ha yeah, Geek!!)
Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate Cake!!!
2. Sweet and Sour Ribs
3. California Rolls
4. crackers
Websites I visit regularly:
1. lds.org
2. yahoomusic.com
3. hotmail.com
4. facebook.com
5. bankofamerica.com
Body parts I've injured:
1. I broke my Finger
2. I broke my foot
3. ...I think I broke my brain...but it's better now, don't worry
1. Amy Pie
2. Ames
3. Aim
4. Sorella
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rite Aid or Wrong Aid

I work close to Rite Aid. It's pretty handy to have a Rite Aid right there, just in case I need any last minute prescriptions filled for my chronic chocolate needs, you know. Rite Aid, however, has been the source of much confusion/amusement as of late. Myra (my partner in crime who works down the hall from me, and who is also my room mate) and I make frequent trips to Rite Aid on hot Las Vegas days, to refresh ourselves with any of their cool beverages, or just to get a sugar high before having to return to the old grind. Communication at Rite Aid has been difficult the past few trips. In fact, just yesterday we were standing in line and this woman walks in with her cart, goes up to the cashier and asks "Where is your Breet?" The cashier's brow furrows "What?" "Your Breet." The woman persists. "Um, I'm not sure...oh Brita? As in water?" The woman stiffened in her haughtiness "Yes, your Breet." Okay, maybe you had to be there, but I just wanted to laugh out loud! Breet? I had no clue what she was referring to and I had thought she was saying Freet! The whole time I was thinking "What the crap is Freet?" Well, this isn't the first time we have had miscommunication issues at Rite Aid. A while back Myra was trying to use her debit card and asked the cashier about the transaction. Well, the cashier thought Myra was talking about a coupon, for some reason, and she kept trying to tell Myra how the coupon would only take a certain amount off of her purchase. Once again, communication was confused and we walked out of the store wondering what the deal was with people at Rite Aid. The last time I went in there, one cashier was telling the other "I just hung up on Dan, and then I hung up on Cindy. I don't know what's wrong with this phone!" and right at that moment, she dropped it. "I'll tell you what's wrong with your phone lady." I thought. Oh the strange things that happen and the strange people that you'll find at Rite Aid! Good thing I stopped working there a long time ago! I should have known Rite Aid was doomed when I walked into work in the pharmacy department one day and there were police all over the place. Come to find out, one of the pharmacists was pocketing drugs!! Shauna (my other partner in crime and my sister) can attest to the Rite Aid/Wrong Aid conspiracy too. There are just too many witnesses...sorry Rite Aid. It looks like there is not much hope for you.
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