Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Don't Mess With Me!

So, with all of the drama that's going on in my life, I kind of took my frustrations out on Paul. Poor Paul, he really didn't know what was coming. Okay, so he asked me to give him a haircut and I can't help it, the razor slipped and... well... oops!
See those dark circles under my eyes? Never ask anyone with circles under their eyes like that to give you a haircut. They obviously don't know what they are doing and, to tell you the truth, I have never cut anyone's hair before. The only experience I've had with cutting hair was when I took the scissors to my own head as a child. The result, well let's just say I was embarassed to be seen in public for a few weeks.
I have often thought that hair was over rated and the less energy you had to put into it, the better, even though I did my share of worrying over it. I used to have really long hair, almost to my waist. It was easy, all I had to do was blow it dry and brush it. When I finally decided to cut it, to look more professional, I freaked out. I had just cut off 11 freakin' inches! I felt like I had just cut off half of my mortal existance. My only consolation was that my hair is probably sitting on the head of someone with cancer. I hope they enjoy it because I sure did. ...Maybe Paul could have used it...


Shauna said...

Awesome! Can you shave my head too?

Cassidy said...

Was that really an accident or did he want you to shave his head? I have ALWAYS said that if I was a boy, I would shave my head for sure, just the thought of blow drying my hair makes me want to cry.

Myra Bybee said...

I think you should give me some credit! I helped too!

Myra Bybee said...
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Cassidy said...

Myra always wants credit for everything!