I love music and I've often thought how every significant part of my life has a song attached to it. You know those songs that you hear and they bring an event, a trip, or a specific person to your mind? Well I'd like to write a sound track to my life. It would be a pretty dang good sound track, that is, if you (reader) had the same taste in music as me.
I like all types of music but there is one type of music that I have never really liked, and perhaps that's because it is associated with bad memories from the past, but I cant' stand country music. Now, I'm not talking folk music, I'm talking steel guitar, knee slappin', bandana wearin', twangy country. Well, I regret to say that the theme song of my life for the past two months has been a country song. I lost my job, I lost my car, my dog died, oh wait, I don't have a dog, nevermind. But if I did have a dog, I'm sure it would have died too.
Okay, so on my 26th birthday I recall looking back on the previous year's events and thinking to myself, "Dang, this last year has been an adventure. I wonder what will unfold this next year of my life?" Well, little did I know but I had just cursed myself. Three days later, I was "let go" from the law firm I had been working for, because they wanted to expand their company and they needed to hire an accountant. So they decided to kill two birds with one stone, having the accountant take over my job too. So once again, I was left looking for a job, only this time, I had a car payment I was worried about.
Needless to say I was frantic. I searched and searched and applied and applied and finally found a temp job at another law firm while I continued to interview for other jobs. Then, the inevitable happened. I was on my way to work one morning and had stopped at a red light. When the light changed and the traffic started going again I started going too (like any normal person who was trying to make it to work on the other side of Las Vegas in decent time, would do).
Well, all of the sudden the lady infront of me stopped. By the time I slammed on my breaks, it was too late. Little Stella had taken a nasty hit. Well, to make this long story shorter, my car has been in the shop for a month now.
I console myself by telling myself that all of the bad events for the year are going to happen at the beginning of the year so the rest of the year should be amazing!! Maybe I'll be the 50th customer of the day at Piggley Wiggley and win a free pig or something. Talk about stress, I think I am developing a bald spot and the premature aging is really beginning to show!!
Well, this story isn't completely a tradgedy, or a country song (sorry for all of you who like country music). I just started a new job on Monday and my car is supposed to be done on Friday, so things are looking up from here. Although, I did accidentally walk into the men's bathroom instead of the women's yesterday... is that a bad sign?
Oh by the way, if you want to hear a really good song, the song of the month is "Read My Mind" by The Killers. It's NOT country.